My two year old daughter's new favorite thing is to say "Ta-Da" after she does something that apparently she thinks is amazing. It made me laugh at first and then I thought...she's got it! Why not say "Ta-Da" when we accomplish something in our life that we didn't expect. I know there are a few people out there who love to toot their own horn, but the vast majority never say a word. Now that isn't all bad if you're doing it for the right reasons. There are many who like to make anonymous donations, or do a nice deed without taking any credit for it. Those aren't the people I'm talking about either. The one's I'm thinking of, are the people who never make mention of what they're doing because they don't think it's good enough. Or they're worried that someone will laugh or not value it. The reality is that they haven't put enough value in themselves. So I'm sending out this post today to encourage you to shout "Ta Da" at the top of you're lungs the next time you accomplish something. No matter how big or small, be proud of what you do and who you are. You never know when sharing what you've done might inspire others to do something too. After all, that's been a huge part of my blog entries and the response I've gotten from those who've said I've inspired them has been overwhelming. Stick your toe in the water and watch the ripple effect...