...at what you ask? Oh, just trying to do my part to fight cancer.
You remember when I told you about my sister-in-law, Cara, who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer? Well, she has had a double mastectomy and is getting ready to undergo chemotherapy treatments starting October 6th. And when I asked her what we could do for her, you know what she said... "Come up to Denver and run in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure with me." The race is October 5th, the day before her first treatment and she is going to prove to herself and everyone else that she is going to stay strong in her fight against cancer. So, my husband and I have registered and will be running that day with her and Keith. Want to join us?
Contact me if you're interested by either sending me an email at michelle@lonetreecoach.com or just comment on this post and I'll get back to you. We'd love to have you join Team Cara to show that you "Cara" lot about the fight against cancer! Also, if you are in another state and would like to know more about getting involved in your area, go to http://www.komen.org/
Oh, and we are accepting donations for the race. If you are interested in making a donation, you can let me know about that as well. I don't have a page set up like I did on my last race because it is such short notice that I am doing this race. But any donation is appreciated and we will deliver it on the day of the race.