Friday, August 29, 2008

What's Love Got To Do With It?

Yesterday my husband and I celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary. It's hard to believe that we've actually been married that long. It seems like just a day ago we were newlyweds living in a rent house with used furniture and thinking we were so in love.

Now here we are, 15 years later. And strangely enough, somehow we actually love each other even more then we did back then. The romantic love that new relationships experience is always fun, but it's the day to day love that really gets you through life. We have been through a lot together. Eight years of infertility, five years of having the most beautiful children in the world and many moments in between. We've laughed, fought, partied and worked together. He is my biggest fan, my provider, my workout partner, my children's father, my lover and my best friend.

Yes, romantic love is nice, so you might be wondering if he got me flowers or a new diamond for our anniversary. No, I told him all I wanted for our anniversary was for him to take the trash out. Because it's not about diamonds. Everyday that I get to spend with him is a gift. And it's that everyday love that has sustained us for the last fifteen years. We don't play games with each other, we don't keep secrets from each other and we don't hold grudges.

If you're in a relationship that needs work, think about what's really important. Love has everything to do with it. It's the little things that count.

To read more about the little things in love that matter, check out one of my past ezine articles, "Love & Little Things" by clicking here:
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