School started last Monday for us. And much to my dismay, my oldest daughter started kindergarten. She was so excited and I was filled with such mixed emotions. Don't get me wrong, I was excited for her but yet my heart was aching with sadness that my little girl was getting so big. It is interesting that the thing we want most for our children - to grow up and become intelligent, independent individuals - can hurt so much. Yet, I put a smile on my face and sent her on her way.
And as my youngest daughter and I get settled into our new routine without big sis around, I realize how fast life moves. I think about the many other transition points that we will be encountering over the next several years. (What will I do when the little one goes to school too?) Those thoughts of course blossom into the transitions that we face throughout all of life. I don't think there is ever a time when we are not going through some type of transition, whether they be transitions of choice or not. And I guess that's a good thing since I base my business on helping individuals work though those transitions by making positive changes in their lives. So with that, I want to remind you all that change is inevitable, so embrace it and run with it. Refusing to do so will only leave you behind. Here's to moving forward...