Hey There!
Hope your summer is going well. I know mine is flying by faster then I'd like. I just finished a busy month of teleseminars and radio shows, so I was feeling a little burnt out. We all need time to relax and take a break from our daily lives once in a while, so my family and I took a much needed mini-vacation to the mountains this past weekend.
I didn't have any cell phone service, TV or internet access. It was so great to get away and "unplug!" I had time to think, read, and enjoy. By doing it, I have come back with a refreshing sense of renewal and excitement to jump back into my work. I think all to often, we push and push to be "doing" something when what we need is to step back and just be.
So, just for fun, I thought I'd focus this week's post on finding out what all of you do to relax and unplug! Leave your comments and share what you do and how it helps you. Then sit back for a few minutes and just relax, breathe and be...
Peace & Health,