You all know that I did the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer this past June, but at that time, I had no idea I would be writing this blog to you today to ask you to pray for someone I know. My sister-in-law Cara, who is only 29 years old, has been diagnosed with breast cancer. Ironically, she was a volunteer at the walk (that's us together in the picture) and didn't know at that time that she was going to be "the one" in the "one in three" that are effected by it. Anyway, I am asking you to keep her in your thoughts and prayers. She has just undergone a mastectomy and had several lymph nodes removed. She will be receiving her prognosis today and will soon find out how much chemotherapy she will have to endure. We are hoping that she won't have to have more surgery in the future or receive radiation, but those are both real possibilities.
Please remember to take care of yourselves. You just truly never know and let me tell you my friend...contrary to how we all feel at times, we are not invincible.