Yes, I did it... all 39 miles! I know it has taken me a week to send out the details of my walk, but frankly, I needed some time to recuperate and just soak it all in. I still can't possibly put into words exactly what the experience was for me, but let me just say, it was absolutely amazing and I would highly recommend it. Yes I was exhausted, yes I ended up with blisters and yes, it was cold sleeping in a tent. But standing there with over 1,500 walkers and experiencing the power of what a group of people could do, made an impact on me that I won't soon forget. It felt so good to be a part of something bigger then life. As I stood or walked next to survivors as well as those who had received the "every three minutes" ribbons it made me realize how blessed I was. And it restored my faith in mankind. From the minute I walked into Event Eve to the second I walked away from the closing ceremony, I was on the verge of tears. It was a very emotional weekend. The scenery was beautiful, the weather was great and the volunteers that helped us were wonderful. I was proud of my personal accomplishment as well as knowing I had done something to change the world in one small way. Thanks again to all of you who donated and helped me get there. I have vowed to do it again...and my husband was even so moved that he wants to do it too! I hope that by following me through this journey, it has motivated you to step out of your box as well. Envision your ideal life, set the goals you need to reach to get to that ideal and then take action to get yourself there. It is possible, you can do it!
Peace, Blessings and Health to You All!