Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Why Not Recycle? It's Child's Play!

I want to tell you about a recent experience I had... My five year old daughter insisted that we decorate boxes to recycle. She had a grand idea that we could decorate them with little arrows and write the names of each item that we needed to recycle. She had obviously watched a show about it as she knew we should recycle paper, plastics, glass and metals. She was relentless in her pursuit of the perfect boxes and getting them decorated. And so I thought…”why not?” Here she is, actually doing more then just decorating boxes with arrows…she’s preserving her future. And shouldn't we all? How hard is it to take that first step? And aren’t I always the one talking about how taking small steps can make big things happen? This was just another perfect example of how each of us can do just that. So we got some boxes, and with a little help, adorned them with arrows, pictures of their intended content and words to match. We are now doing a very small part to preserve our environment and taking another step forward in our new quest to live green.

What are you going to do to ensure that our world will still be here for future generations?

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

If You Like This...There's More

Hello All!

Just a little reminder that if you enjoy reading my blogs, you'll love getting my monthly newsletter sent directly to your inbox. "Branch to Branch" is a monthly ezine that is designed to give you food for thought and help you discover the secrets to redefining yourself and restoring value to your life.

If you'd like to sign up, just click on the link below to give me your first name and primary email address.


Monday, July 21, 2008

Dog Days of Summer

I think that the "Dog Days of Summer" can often get as daunting as the "Dead of Winter." It's been so hot here! But as I looked at my calender, I realized that summer vacation is almost over. My husband will be going back to work soon, and my oldest daughter will begin her first full year of school as a kindergartner. (The thought of her starting school makes me want to cry, but that of course is a whole other blog entry...I'll tell you about that later.)

Anyway, today I wanted to remind you to rev up your summer just in the nick of time. If you've been like me, you've been trying to catch up on all those little things that you've been putting off. (Yes, I'm still doing my spring cleaning!) However, I realized the other day that if you don't schedule fun into your planner or add playing onto your to do list, you just might never get it done. I think it's all too easy to let the routines of life get to you without making some great plans happen.

An example of this is that we've been telling our daughters that we were going to go somewhere fun all summer. And after my recent discovery, that the summer is almost over, I realized that if we didn't get a plan we would easily put it off till it was too late.

So, make a plan, make a commitment and make it to have fun! Enjoy these sweltering days of summer because all too soon, you'll be staring out the window at the snow and wondering where the days went.

Oh and by the way...we now have a little get away planned with our girls. It's on my planner and we are scheduled to have tons of fun!!!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Want to see what I saw?

Here are some more pictures from my walk this past weekend. Thought you might enjoy the beautiful scenery.

39 Miles Checked Off My TO DO List!

Yes, I did it... all 39 miles! I know it has taken me a week to send out the details of my walk, but frankly, I needed some time to recuperate and just soak it all in. I still can't possibly put into words exactly what the experience was for me, but let me just say, it was absolutely amazing and I would highly recommend it. Yes I was exhausted, yes I ended up with blisters and yes, it was cold sleeping in a tent. But standing there with over 1,500 walkers and experiencing the power of what a group of people could do, made an impact on me that I won't soon forget. It felt so good to be a part of something bigger then life. As I stood or walked next to survivors as well as those who had received the "every three minutes" ribbons it made me realize how blessed I was. And it restored my faith in mankind. From the minute I walked into Event Eve to the second I walked away from the closing ceremony, I was on the verge of tears. It was a very emotional weekend. The scenery was beautiful, the weather was great and the volunteers that helped us were wonderful. I was proud of my personal accomplishment as well as knowing I had done something to change the world in one small way. Thanks again to all of you who donated and helped me get there. I have vowed to do it again...and my husband was even so moved that he wants to do it too! I hope that by following me through this journey, it has motivated you to step out of your box as well. Envision your ideal life, set the goals you need to reach to get to that ideal and then take action to get yourself there. It is possible, you can do it!

Peace, Blessings and Health to You All!
