There are only ten days left before my walk. Yes I am going to walk 39 miles in two days to raise money to fight cancer. It is something I have always wanted to do and after many years of letting excuses and fear get in my way, I'm doing it!
So today, I'm writing to you about visualizing your ideals and making them happen. All too often, we let self doubt talk us out of being who we are fully capable of being. There are always excuses for why it can't happen or reasons for why it won't work. But what about the ways it is possible? It is said that, "That which you focus on expands." So what are you looking at? Is the self doubt clouding your vision for who you want to be or what you want to do? Clear it out! Decide what your vision is and focus on it. Often the hardest parts of going for your dreams is making the actual commitment. So today, think about one thing you've always wanted to do. And then after you've visualized yourself doing it, make the commitment to really do it. Say, "Yes!" today. That's step one...more to come later.