Saturday, November 22, 2008

Operation Christmas Child

If you've never had the opportunity to get involved in Operation Christmas Child, I urge you to this year. It is a wonderful project run by Samaritan's Purse and each year they deliver thousands of shoe boxes full of gifts to children in countries around the world. One of the organizations that I belong to gathers things each year and tries to fill as many boxes as possible. Here you'll see a picture of us with our boxes this year.I think we had a new record of over thirty boxes. To find out more about how you can do your part, go to and hurry up...the deadline is coming soon!

Monday, November 10, 2008

FREE Teleclass: Five Common Holiday Pitfalls and the Survival Tools You Need to Conquer Them

Just a reminder about my upcoming teleclass, "Five Common Holiday Pitfalls and the Survival Tools You Need to Conquer Them."

As we launch into November, the holiday season is just around the corner. If thoughts of the holidays bring anxiety to mind instead of sugar plums dancing in your head, then keep reading, because I have the answer for you.

Before long we’ll be consumed with the glimmer and glitz of the holidays. Shopping, baking, parties and not enough time to get everything done. So how can you keep you’re holiday season from turning into a holiday hassle? Join me, on November 13th at 7:00pm (MST), in my upcoming teleclass, “Five Common Holiday Pitfalls and The Survival Tools You Need to Conquer Them.” In this workshop, I will tackle some of the most common holiday pitfalls and reveal top notch strategies for conquering them and staying stress free through the holidays.

In this teleclass, we will discuss:

*How to Keep from Getting Overwhelmed with Extra Holiday Tasks such as shopping, cards, baking, parties, decorating, and more
*Ways to Keep from Gaining Extra Pounds through the holiday season
*How to Tame Overspending so you don’t blow your bank account
*How to Keep from Running Yourself Ragged with Social Gatherings
*Strategies to Keep Depression and Family Feuds at Bay during the holiday season

In the spirit of the holiday season, and a season of giving, I’m giving you the opportunity to join me on this call for FREE. This is a one time only opportunity and space is limited so contact me today to get on the list. Simply click send me an email at with your name and the word “holiday” in the subject line. I’ll send you the telebridge phone number and the access code in a return email. Also, in addition to being able to join me on the call, you’ll receive a free subscription to the monthly ezine, “Branch to Branch.”

Remember, don’t delay, there is a limited amount of space available on the call and you don’t want to miss it. Be ready to tackle this holiday season with excitement and gusto!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Need Your Help

Hello All,

I need your help with a little something. You see, in order to stay in the top five and remain on the home page at I have to continue to get clicks to my articles. In the last week, the Screening Room has just beat me out of my spot. So I want to ask and encourage you to continue to check out the site and read my articles. There is a new article every two weeks and for those of you who are in Colorado, you'll be happy to know that Colorado will be one of the featured states soon.

So help me out...please!